Travel information
Conference Venue:
Palazzo della Borsa, Via XX Settembre, 44, 16121 Genova

Hotel Accommodation

Genoa offers a wide variety of hotels within walking distance from the Congress Venue and the main tourist attractions. Hotel rooms have been negotiated, at special rates, by the organization for WEBER2025 participants.
Since June in Genoa is the beginning of the high season, we strongly recommend securing your hotel accommodation at the earliest opportunity
Visa Requirements

VISA may be required online or at the local/national Italian embassy or consulate.
Letters of invitation are available to participants upon written request to the WEBER2025 registration office.
For a complete list of countries whose citizens are required to obtain a Schengen visa to enter please click on the list of countries.
Additional information available at the website of Schengen VISA information regarding Italy: www.schengenvisainfo.com/italy/visa/
Invitation letters
Upon completion of payment, participants may request an invitation letter for the WEBER2025 conference. Invitation letters are for VISA purpose only.
Please contact the WEBER2025 registration office at: INFO@DOUBLE-EM.IT
Tourist information
In Italy the currency is Euro (€). There are cashpoints (bancomats in Italy) all over the city, as well as at the airport. If you don’t have Euros on you, you can withdraw them directly from a cash machine, or else exchange your notes at a cambio valute (exchange office) at the airport, in town or at a local bank. The Euro comes in seven paper denominations, numbering 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. There are eight Euro coins, with a value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, as well as a one and two Euro coin. 100 cents comprise one Euro.